All work done by Veterans or their families

If you are a honorably discharged veteran from any of the United States service branches Veterans Incorporated can help you.

Veterans Incorporated is a nonprofit organization that works to help veterans create the future they deserve. Veterans Incorporated can help you find gain full employment with other veterans or help you start your own veteran owned business. Veterans Incorporated works with you the veteran to create the opportunities you as a veteran deserve. Veterans Incorporated, with the help of donations and the communities in which you the veteran live, establishes your business or employment opportunity.

Veterans Incorporated helps you, the veteran, start your business by handling several aspects that every business needs.

Veterans Incorporated will help you the veteran with business plans, marketing, client contracts, equipment and other tools needed to get your veteran owned business up and running.

If you are interested in what Veterans Incorporated can do for you please contact Veterans Incorporated today.

Veterans Incorporated

615 East Elmwood Ave.,
P.O. Box 122
West Chicago, IL 60186

Phone: 630.373.6055

Email: veteran (at)